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The Best Part of Waking Up… February 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health.
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Is oatmeal in my bowl! I have become obsessed with my morning time treat: Better Oats, Oat Revolution.

The packaging is awesome. Simply tear off the top, pour out the oats, and use the package as a measuring cup. It makes my busy mornings decidedly easier.

Besides, I can fancy up my oats in a variety of ways. A handful of blueberries. A spoonful of almond butter. A few slices of banana.  It doesn’t take much to take my oatmeal to the next level!

Just two minutes, half a banana and a dollop of my home-made almond butter later, I am in oatmeal heaven. There truly is not better way to start off a cold winter day!


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