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Hitting the Slopes February 8, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Health, Moving.
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Nothing says Colorado like spending a weekend skiing. My husband’s family is spending the week in Breckenridge skiing the nearby resorts and invited us to come along.

We left Boulder in a SNOW STORM. It took 4 hours to get up to the condo! Once we got to Breck, it was all worth it. The town is adorable… definitely a skiing village. The snow was falling, the cozy lights were glowing from storefronts, it really was an idyllic evening.  We headed to Fiesta Jalisco for dinner. Two fish tacos later, and I was a happy lady!

The next morning, we prepared ourselves for a chilly day of skiing at Keystone!

It was definitely cold, but the views were incredible when the sun came out. In the morning, I made it down one run. It took an hour. Not the best time in the world, but there was only one fall involved, so I’m calling it a success.

Lunch was a well deserved combination of roast beef sandwich, french fries, carrots, clementines, and a bite of Toblerone. Delish and definitely the best tasting meal I’ve ever had. Must be something about the altitude and hard work!

I can now officially say that I have made it down a blue… the Wild Irishman. Mind you, I may have been swearing a blue streak the entire way down the mountain.

All in all, an amazing day on the slopes!

Chugging the Green Monster February 8, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Saturday was my weigh in… and I am now officially 5% lighter than one month ago!!!! Hurray, and now onto 10%. Weight Watchers suggests making smaller goals to keep you motivated to continue on towards your major goal. It definitely is a great feeling actually losing weight and making goals along the way.

To celebrate my success, I decided to make a smoothie. Now, this was not my greatest attempts. I am perfectly willing to admit this. Next time, I would make sure to add more liquids because this one was a little ‘tik and zesty!

The Green Monster:


  • 2 Large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 Mango
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Tbsp Almond Butter
  • 1 small container of Blueberry Yogurt

Blend everything together until smooth.

Next time, I would add in less almond butter and a splash or two of milk. This smoothie was so thick that I had to chew it!