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I Blame the Cookies! February 15, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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So, last Saturday was not the best. Yes, it was my weekly weigh in. Up until now it was nothing to dread. Consistant weight loss for the last few weeks!

That joy had to come to an end.

I stepped onto the scale.

The nice weigh in receptionist didn’t say a word. My chest began to fill with dread as I gathered my coat and meeting materials.

I found a seat, carefully settled in, and finally gulped as I looked at my weekly card.

0.0 lbs lost.

How was it possible? I thought back to what I had done throughout the past week. I had exercised. I thought I had eated good meals. Then a nasty thought spread through my brain…

We had had mint chocolate dipped oreos at work.

I repeat mint chocolate dipped oreos. Those little buggers are 90 calories a pop, addictive as all get out and delicious to boot.

Next week, I’m investing in lots of gum. No temptation there!!!


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