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Back to Business March 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Family, Food, Lunch.
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The first day back at work after vacation is difficult. This is especially the case if you have been constantly running around with your family for a week. Good fun was had by all, but I didn’t sleep as much as I should have liked. 9:00 came very early this Wednesday morning.

Seeing the kids however, definitely makes my day! It is so nice to have people excited to see you after a week. Smiling faces and giant hugs surrounding you. Definitely delightful.

That being said, I was certainly happy to have a bit of time to myself for lunch.

This was a great way of using leftovers from when my family was here. Meatball sub (using the meatballs from the spaghetti) and macaroni salad that Mum made (for our grilling night) definitely a delicious meal.

For the macaroni salad:


Macaroni, Greek Yogurt, Mustard, Orange Bell Pepper, Corn Kernels, Radishes, Dill


Boil the macaroni according to package instructions. Run under cold water to cool. Set Aside. Mix together the yogurt, mustard, dill, corn, peppers and radishes. Mix into the macaroni. Enjoy!

On the Road Again March 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Family, Food, Lunch.
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It’s lonely in the apartment right now. My parents and brother, who have been here for the last week have left.

Tim and I went for a bike ride this morning. They packed up all their things, and had lunch.

As you can see: tomato soup, grilled cheese on dark rye and side of Balderdash.

We now have some fantastic words in our vocabulary such as: squitters, kumiss and flitterbick. Look them up if you dare! Also, if you are not familiar with the game Balderdash, I would highly suggest playing. Much hilarity will ensue!

Now, I’ve sat myself down on the couch and have started moping about the emptiness in the apartment. To counteract this moping, I’ve started watching The Tudors. I feel this might be a dangerous television series to start… the addiction has already begun!

Rocks and Dinos March 27, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Health, Motivation, Travel, Uncategorized.
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There are many benefits of family coming to visit. At the top of my list is finally getting to spend time with them, but in a close second is having a good reason to visit many area attractions!

Going to the zoo is always good in my book! You even get to feed some cute lorikeets!

Next I took them to the Red Rocks Amphitheater. I had never been there, and was completely blown away by the amazing depth and range of colors in the rocks. It is truly a natural wonder.

I really want to go to a concert here. The acoustics are supposed to be phenomenal, and being surrounded by the rocks would be such a unique setting.

Right across the street is another geological wonder: Dinosaur Ridge.  In one fascinating outcrop there is layer upon layer of ancient history being told. From inland seas to mangrove swamps and a dinosaur highway that stretches from New Mexico to Wyoming. Very cool stuff to be seen!

The remains of an inland sea. Can’t you just hear the water lapping at the ancient shores? With rocks like these, it doesn’t take much to imagine!

Why yes, that is an ornithomimus footprint behind us.  Good old dinosaur highway… overlooking a modern highway. We have come full circle!

The Hills Are Alive, and My Patio is Full of Food! March 26, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Plants, Travel.
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Today has been filled with the outdoors. Boulder offers an incredible amount of trails, paths and hiking areas. We decided to take my family to Flagstaff to get a better view of Boulder and the surrounding area. Words cannot describe how beautiful the mountains looked from the top of the Flatirons. Pictures rarely do them justice.

Why do they always come out so small???

We all hiked up Flagstaff Summit and looked around the the amphitheater at the top before parting ways. Chris, Dad and Tim wanted to hike down to the bottom of the Flatirons, but they needed someone to pick them up at the end of the trail. Mum and I decided to take the Ute trail back to the car and get them at the overlook.

It was a beautiful day and a really nice hike.It is still difficult to believe that we are in March right now with all of the 60* weather we have been afforded!

When we got back, we decided to relax a bit, and Dad helped me to re-pot all of my seedlings!

The swiss chard was ready to go into a pot of their own, as was my green bean. We’re having a window box that will be filled with herbs. Rosemary, basil, chives, cilantro and mint all at my doorstep. For veggies, we now have swiss chard, hot peppers, green beans, zucchini, sugar snap peas and broccoli. I can’t wait until they are a bit taller than seedlings!!!!

Mile High and Feeling Fine March 25, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Food, Travel.
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Chris and I have a goal of visiting all the state capitol buildings. Today, we knocked off another with my family- Denver!

I started off the day with a breakfast of yogurt, pineapple, strawberries and tea. Definitely a nice, fresh way to start a day.

We headed out quickly after breakfast to beat the crowds at rush hour. Mum had booked us a tour of the capitol dome, so we had to be there bright and early… before the school groups!

In the end, we got there a bit early, but that was nice because we got to putter around a bit before the tour. It really is a beautiful building. The steps are marked at one mile above sea level… three times to get it right. The dome was originally covered in copper, but this annoyed the gold miners who pointed out there are no copper mines in Colorado. So, they banded together to donate enough gold to cover the entire dome!

It is incredibly ornate inside as well. The walls are covered with rose onyx, the floors with marble… all from Colorado. Most of the fixtures are the original brass, and it takes three people polishing them daily to keep everything shiny.

Just a little proof to show that we made it! We’ve now covered Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Colorado and Washington, DC together. If ever you get the chance, definitely go to visit capitols. They each have a unique and interesting story.