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Dances with Soup: The Remix March 2, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Last night I was having a hankering for veggies… and lots of them.

The remedy: attempt numero dos on the Three Sisters Soup. I would call it a great success!

I exchanged kale for the swisse chard, added in a bit more paprika and cumin, and decided to leave out the dumplings. I think that the dumplings added a little sumthin’ sumthin’ (perhaps a little too much) but I think next time there will be a dumpling revival.


As an added plus… it lasts for days! I have lunch for the next week. You have to love any meal that helps you do that!


1. Lindsay @ Summit Sandwiches - March 3, 2011

The soup doesn’t just last for days. It might last you months. Years even. It’s the soup that never ends. Thank god it’s delicious. 🙂 I’m glad it was good the second time around. We need to have another dinner and a movie date sometime soon…it was a lot of fun to make the soup (even if it was angry and steaming and belching at points), and we obviously got (many) good meals out of it! Haha…

cirellih - March 6, 2011

It is indeed delicious, for that I am thankful! Also, we definitely need another dinner and a movie night. It was great fun, and keeps meals exciting!

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