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It’s BBQ Time! March 5, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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It has been warm(ish) for the last week… even went into the fifties today! Clearly this is cause to bust out the grill, fire up some charcoal and slap on some ribs. Perhaps not the healthiest of meals, but definitely amongst the most delicious!

The nice thing about a bbq is that you have lots of time to get things done as it cooks. I washed a load of dishes, stripped the bed, ironed the new sheets, tidied up around the apartment, and cooked the asparagus all as the ribs cooked. A very productive evening all in all.

For the ribs, we used a Dinosaur BBQ Sauce. For those of you not in the know, Dinosaur BBQ is from Syracuse, NY and they make the most delicious sauces and rubs. If you ever get the chance, try out some of their sauces. Tonight’s choice was Garlic and Honey BBQ. Fantastic, sweet and savory, nice and thick. My personal favorite is their Sensuous Slather, besides, how can you not like it with a name like that??

For the asparagus, I roasted them in the oven at 400* with a little salt and lemon pepper. They don’t take long, but you just have to keep an eye out to make sure that the ends don’t burn.


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