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Busy, Busy! March 6, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Motivation.
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Today was one of those great days when I got everything done that was on my list.


Got an early start, cleaned, got gardening supplies, went to Borders, did laundry, vacuumed, Chris put together our new swing, we put up lights on the patio, made dinner… and even had time to relax! How was this day possible??? I mean, really? I love being productive!

Our patio with newly affixed lights and swing! By (real) spring I will have veggies growing in pots. It will be a veritable oasis of plants!

Dinner was nice and quick: Grilled Chicken Ravioli with Rosemary, Mozzarella and Parmesan Cheese. Asparagus which was leftover from yesterday. Spinach salad with lemon juice, feta, walnuts and craisins. (Note our pretty new tablecloth!)

Definitely a productive weekend! Sad that Monday is tomorrow, but I’m sure it will be a fun-filled week!


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