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Evidence Was Destroyed March 9, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Health, strength training.
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So, tonight I had some delicious nachos with cheddar, leftover chicken, jalapenos, and olives. They were really yummy- although probably not all that healthy.

But the evidence was destroyed!

I was starving when I got home. Lunch seemed to be hours ago. Snack didn’t tie me over. It was the kind of hunger that leaves you a little shaky and nothing seems to help! Not a good feeling at all.

So sadly, when I got home all I could think about was food…NOW!

I dislike that feeling of complete urgency because it seems to wipe all other thoughts out of my head. Apparently this includes the thought of taking pictures of my dinner. Unfortunately this means that it went undocumented.

I did however have a delicious side salad of spinach, feta, carrots, dried cranberries and coconut. Mmmm, sometimes greenery just hits the spot!

Now I’m off to the YMCA again. Second night in a row! Some elliptical, stair stepping, strength training and stretching is in order! It makes it so much easier to go when you have a great work out partner!!!


1. Lindsay @ Summit Sandwiches - March 11, 2011

Mmmmm….nachos. Drooooool….you don’t even need a picture of them for me to start salivating. Haha..Your salad sounds lovely too! 🙂

Props for your YMCA awesomeness…it takes serious determination to schlep yourself to the Y in the evening.

2. cirellih - March 11, 2011

I apparently better at schlepping in the evening than I am in the morning!

The nachos were indeed delicious! The salad was mostly to make sure that I got real veggies into my dinner plans!

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