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Fiesta in My Mouth! March 14, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Indeed, it was a party in my mouth tonight! Taco soup is just about the easiest thing that you can make. There are lots of opportunities for variety and adapting it to what you have on hand. These are qualities that make a recipe go from good to fantastic in my mind.

I give you: Taco Soup!

The Recipe:

1 cup salsa (This can be red or green, chunky or smooth… the beginning of endless possibilities)

2 cups chicken stock

1/4 cup shredded chicken (I used leftover cubed chicken tonight)

Crushed tortilla chips and cheddar cheese to garnish

Heat until steaming. Really, it is just that easy! Tonight I wanted to add in some of the cauliflower and broccoli that I had leftover, so I did. If I have an onion, I chop it into small pieces and sautee it in the pot before the rest of the ingredients enter the mix. If you like it spicy, you can add in more peppers. Really the possibilities are endless!

After dinner, Chris managed to fix the kitchen sink.  It was one of those jobs where originally he wanted to fix the leaky faucet, which then turned into replacing and ancient, corroding fixture. Gotta love it when small projects become HUGE!


1. Lindsay @ Summit Sandwiches - March 15, 2011

This sounds great! Easy but healthy + tasty. My fav kind of recipes! 🙂

cirellih - March 16, 2011

It is indeed tasty! I like that you don’t need too many ingredients, but you can add in any that you like!

2. Jolly :) - March 16, 2011

FINALLY. . . . I finally found your blog tonight!!! 🙂 So glad that I did . . . . I love it!!! You have inspired me to bring my one-post blog back to life!!!!! I can’t wait to read more of your blog . . . you’re amazing!!

cirellih - March 16, 2011

Yay! I’m glad that you found it. Hurray for reviving blogs 🙂

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