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Mile High and Feeling Fine March 25, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Food, Travel.
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Chris and I have a goal of visiting all the state capitol buildings. Today, we knocked off another with my family- Denver!

I started off the day with a breakfast of yogurt, pineapple, strawberries and tea. Definitely a nice, fresh way to start a day.

We headed out quickly after breakfast to beat the crowds at rush hour. Mum had booked us a tour of the capitol dome, so we had to be there bright and early… before the school groups!

In the end, we got there a bit early, but that was nice because we got to putter around a bit before the tour. It really is a beautiful building. The steps are marked at one mile above sea level… three times to get it right. The dome was originally covered in copper, but this annoyed the gold miners who pointed out there are no copper mines in Colorado. So, they banded together to donate enough gold to cover the entire dome!

It is incredibly ornate inside as well. The walls are covered with rose onyx, the floors with marble… all from Colorado. Most of the fixtures are the original brass, and it takes three people polishing them daily to keep everything shiny.

Just a little proof to show that we made it! We’ve now covered Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Colorado and Washington, DC together. If ever you get the chance, definitely go to visit capitols. They each have a unique and interesting story.