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On the Road Again March 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Family, Food, Lunch.
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It’s lonely in the apartment right now. My parents and brother, who have been here for the last week have left.

Tim and I went for a bike ride this morning. They packed up all their things, and had lunch.

As you can see: tomato soup, grilled cheese on dark rye and side of Balderdash.

We now have some fantastic words in our vocabulary such as: squitters, kumiss and flitterbick. Look them up if you dare! Also, if you are not familiar with the game Balderdash, I would highly suggest playing. Much hilarity will ensue!

Now, I’ve sat myself down on the couch and have started moping about the emptiness in the apartment. To counteract this moping, I’ve started watching The Tudors. I feel this might be a dangerous television series to start… the addiction has already begun!


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