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To Eat a Treat April 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Lunch, Planning.
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Sometimes you just need a treat.

Today was one of those days. I’m not sure why, it’s only been a three day week. Really, there should be no reason that I felt that I needed to have something made for me for lunch. That was my only requirement. I just did not feel like thinking of something to eat with the food in my kitchen.

So, I went and got sushi.

California Rolls for me!!! Sadly, they weren’t the best I’ve ever had, but they did in a pinch.

Have you ever had the days that everything seems like a challenge? We took the Dreamers to the Cesar Chavez celebration in the afternoon. Finding the park was a challenge. Listening to the speeches without microphones (and 50 screaming children on the playground in the background) was a challenge. persuading myself that I should go to the gym was a challenge.

It took one and a half hours to get myself motivated enough to get off the couch after dinner to go for a jaunt on the elliptical… but eventually I managed it, and was so glad that I did!

I think that I’m finally getting back to the point where I enjoy working out. It’s taken a while, but it is a great feeling when I look forward to my time at the Y.