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The Easy Way Out April 3, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Exercise, Food.
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Sometimes you just don’t feel like spending a lot of time cooking. It has been a long, odd weekend. Arguably not one of the best I’ve had in a while. Chris and I biked to the gym this morning, had a good workout, biked back and then wanted nothing more than a lazy day… which is exactly what we did.

Netflix may or may not have put several seasons of Top Gear on demand. And Chris and I may or may not have spent a significant portion of the day watching episodes we have missed. Since yesterday was 79* and I got my first [tiny] sunburn of the season, and today was sleety/snowy, cold and miserable… we didn’t feel terrible about staying indoors.

For dinner, we decided to take the easy route and make one of the Hormel Ready Meals: Beef Tips. It was really the perfect easy comfort food. Combined with copious amounts of broccoli and a few egg noodles, the meal was just what the weather called for.

Perhaps not the healthiest, but it was certainly fast and delicious. Perfect for the cold weather!