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Peas Please! April 12, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Sometimes what you want is small.

Sometimes it is green.

Sometimes it is filled with lovely vitamins and minerals.

You might be looking for a pea.

I’ve never met a pea I didn’t like. Snap peas, snow peas, dried peas covered in wasabi… they are all delicious. When I was small my favorite way to eat them was by building a hollowed mashed potato mountain, fill it with peas and a bit of butter. Pea Volcano…dinner geology is always good in my book.

Tonight, I did not partake in the sculpting of mashed potatoes. It was more of a throw a few yummy ingredients together and see how it turns out type of meal.

Egg noodles+kielbasa+peas+parmesan cheese=a quick tasty meal

The peas added a nice sweetness to counteract the salty cheese and kielbasa. For an added bonus they added a nice pop of color, which is something that my mum has always been going at doing, and I enjoy attempting to do.


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