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Snow in Spring? This Calls for Stew! April 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Health.
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Really, Colorado? Snow?? In April???

Fine. Keep faffing about with the weather. I’ll go make a stew.

A delicious lamb stew at that. Combined with a hunk of nice, crusty sourdough bread there is nothing that combat cold weather better.

The Recipe:

1/2 lb lamb stew meat

1/2 cup baby carrots

1/4 cup peas

1 stalk of celery

1 onion, chopped

1 tbsp paprika

1/4 tsp dried thyme

3 cups beef stock

3 small potatoes

Put the carrots, onion, celery, lamb, thyme, paprika and beef stock into a crock pot. Put on high heat for 5 hours. When you are almost ready to eat the stew boil the potatoes and mash when they are ready. We thickened the broth a bit by taking some out and adding in corn starch. I like a little heartiness to my stew. At the very last minute, I added in my peas from yesterday’s dinner. What a great addition of color, texture and flavor. Mmm.

This was my easy take on Shepard’s Pie. No baking involved, but they flavors are all still there. As an added bonus, you can stick as many veggies as you like into a stew like this. I’ve made root vegetable shepard’s pies before, so squash or rutabagas would be a nice addition.


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