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When the Moon Hits Your Eye April 27, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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Coming from New York I am often disappointed by pizza just about anywhere else.

I love the thin crust and the perfect cheese to sauce ratio of New York style. No other pizzas compare.

Every once in a while though a good pizza will come along and dazzle my taste buds.

Enter: zpizza’s Italian Pizza

Every topping is my favorite. Olives, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, pesto and mozzarella. They got the crust to be delightfully light, airy and crisp. As an added bonus, zpizza’s mission is to have sustainable, organic ingredients to create delicious pizzas that people will want to try again and again. They have so many specialty pizzas that I would love to try. Mediterranean, chicken sausage, Provence, Thai, Mexican… they all sound delicious!


1. J Rand - May 8, 2011

Is Zpizza the name of a restaurant or just a really awesome pizza that you made? Is the pesto instead of a tomato base? Looks scrumptious!

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