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A Very Royal Wedding April 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Uncategorized.

It was well worth the wait and staying away for 22 hours straight! Of course I am talking about the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The coverage started at 1am my time and was still going strong when I went to bed at 6am.

Now, however you feel about the royals, I decided that I wanted to watch the wedding as it really is history in the making. So many people can tell you where they were when Charles and Diana got married, and I’m sure this wedding will have a similar effect.

Kate’s dress was absolutely stunning. I think that she struck the perfect balance between classic and modern that everyone hoped she would. She certainly looked the part of a princess, modest and lovely without being over the top. I love that she wore Queen Elizabeth’s tiara, and that she had the train that you hoped she might, and that the top of the dress had the air of Grace Kelly about it. Simply put, just what you want a princess to look like.

I love the pomp and circumstance that surrounds weddings as it is, but a Royal Wedding manages to contain so much history and tradition that it makes everything all the more exciting! The cars, the carriages, the crowds… what a happy day was had by all involved.


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