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Sick Day April 18, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Yesterday, I felt a cold coming on. Who gets colds in the spring??? Apparently I do, but I am not happy about it.

My boss sent me home upon arrival at work today… apparently I looked that good.

So, I went home and slept a lot. Still not feeling great, but hopefully by tomorrow I will be good as new.

Chris made me celery soup for dinner. It was exactly what I needed.

Just what the doctor ordered.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game! April 17, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Family, Food.
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My first baseball game of the season.

Rockies vs. Cubs. What a great game to start with.

I will admit that I am not the biggest baseball fan. But I do love going to games. It is so much easier to get into the game when you can cheer on the players, clap when they need some help, and sing a good round of ‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game.’

It makes it even better when the Rockies win 9 to 5!!!

When we got back to Boulder, Chris found twenty dollars in his pocket so we decided to make a night of it.

Hubby took me to Pasta Jay’s on Pearl Street. What a delicious meal! It was sort of warm enough to sit outside, so we did. It definitely reminded me of our visit to Rome a few years ago.

I had Pasta Carolena which was shrimp and artichoke hearts in a tomato and sweet basil sauce. Absolutely scrumptious. Artichoke hearts are just about one of my favorite foods, so I gravitate towards anything on a menu that includes them. I was certainly not disappointed this time!

Good Friends, Good Grub, Good Times April 16, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Friends, Motivation.
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Weekends were made for fun. Sometimes with my job weekends are also for work. This is made tolerable because I get to work with an amazing co-worker, Ruth, who enjoys sharing a laugh… and going out for frozen yogurt.

For our tough job today, we took a group of girls to the movie Rio. We both really want to go to Brazil now. Really, it was an adorable movie. Who doesn’t like a movie with singing birds?

We spent part of our afternoon hiking up Chattaqua with minimal huffing and puffing involved. Made sure to have enough time to visit Boulder Chill for frozen yogurt. Then went off to the school for a football camp for the kiddos with some of the players from the CSU football team. All in all a great afternoon.

What made it even better? Ruth and Lindsay came over for some good summertime springtime grilled foods. Grilled chicken and potato wedges with corn on the cob, salad and bread. It was definitely a good night for my taste buds!

That is a delightfully massive pile of food! Chicken: 3pts, Bread: 2pts, Potato: 2pts, Corn: 2pts, : Salad with chickpeas and cheese: 2pts. A whole giant dinner for 11pts! That’s what I’m talking about.

There is nothing better than sharing good food with great friends! We added in a round of Dicecapades just to top off the evening. Perfection.

Oh How Happy You Have Made Me! April 14, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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Today was a long day. We had a parent’s meeting at school, which meant I was there until 7:30 and didn’t get home until quarter to eight. A very long day. I had spent the last few hours on my feet, my lunch seemed a very long time ago and the kids were a little rambunctious. By the time I got to head home, I was beat.

When I opened the door to the apartment I was greeted by the delicious smells of chicken enchiladas. One of my favorites!

Oh hello chicken, you are so tender today. Nice to see you again salsa verde, you are looking flavorful tonight! Mr. Monteray Jack, your ooey gooey goodness is a sight for sore eyes!

You all go warm yourselves in a nice oven for a bit and I check to see how you’re doing. Looking mighty fine! Enchiladas might not be the most photogenic of all dinners, but they are certainly one of the tastiest things you can put in a tortilla.

Snow in Spring? This Calls for Stew! April 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Health.
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Really, Colorado? Snow?? In April???

Fine. Keep faffing about with the weather. I’ll go make a stew.

A delicious lamb stew at that. Combined with a hunk of nice, crusty sourdough bread there is nothing that combat cold weather better.

The Recipe:

1/2 lb lamb stew meat

1/2 cup baby carrots

1/4 cup peas

1 stalk of celery

1 onion, chopped

1 tbsp paprika

1/4 tsp dried thyme

3 cups beef stock

3 small potatoes

Put the carrots, onion, celery, lamb, thyme, paprika and beef stock into a crock pot. Put on high heat for 5 hours. When you are almost ready to eat the stew boil the potatoes and mash when they are ready. We thickened the broth a bit by taking some out and adding in corn starch. I like a little heartiness to my stew. At the very last minute, I added in my peas from yesterday’s dinner. What a great addition of color, texture and flavor. Mmm.

This was my easy take on Shepard’s Pie. No baking involved, but they flavors are all still there. As an added bonus, you can stick as many veggies as you like into a stew like this. I’ve made root vegetable shepard’s pies before, so squash or rutabagas would be a nice addition.