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Using It Up! May 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food, Movie.
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I have apparently been in a mood for Mexican recently. Last night we had cantina style tacos. Today I’m trying to finish up the left over veggies. I really wanted to get in more vegetables tonight after my lunch of nutella crepe.

I decided on a bean burrito. Definitely a delicious, easy option with all of the ingredients just waiting for me!

Definitely a tasty meal… if not a bit messy! Black beans, peppers, onions, home-made salsa, lettuce and a dab of sour cream. Just what my taste buds were looking for!

We’ve just settled in to watch The Two Towers (after watching The Fellowship of the Ring last night). This definitely makes for a great day in my book!

For the Love of Boulder May 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Craving, Dessert, Exercise, Food, Lunch, Motivation.
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Today was just one of those days that is just right. It started out a little cool and the clouds were rather ominous looking. We decided to have some breakfast before heading to the Boulder Creek Festival. I decided to use up some of the ingredients from last night’s dinner. My mind went straight to huevos rancheros.

My recipe:

  • 1 corn tortilla
  • 2 tsp. cheddar jack cheese
  • 1/2 cup black beans
  • 1/4 cup of chopped onion and bell pepper mixture
  • 1 egg
  • salsa and cilantro to taste

Heat the black beans, peppers and onions in a saucepan until they are hot. As you are frying the egg, warm the corn tortilla. Put the bean mixture on the tortilla, sprinkle with half of the cheese. Place the egg on top and add as much salsa and cilantro as you like.

Yum! What a fresh way to start the day.

By the time breakfast was done, the sun was shining, birds were singing and we were ready to head down to the festival. It was the perfect temperature for a bike ride, and it’s so easy to get down town on the bike paths here.

For those of you not in the know about Boulder, it’s an incredibly biker/pedestrian town in Colorado. So if you like, hiking, biking, skiing, or the outdoors in general head to Boulder. You’ll find your outdoorsy paradise! It’s so nice to be able to hop on our bikes and get to all the shops and restaurants in downtown Boulder.

Memorial Day weekend is a great time in our fair city. The Boulder Creek Festival and the Bolder Boulder take place and there is a wonderful community feel that takes over the town. It was great being able to putter around looking at all the vendors booths, munching on samples, and listening to music. We tasted some alligator bratwurst (not my favorite) and elk bratwurst (which was alright). For lunch, I was in the mood for some good ole’ fair food. Rather than something deep-fried, which is what I used to desire, I opted for the marginally healthier option of a nutella crepe. It. Was. Fantastic. Worth every delicious, ooey, gooey calorie. On the way out I found these fantastic earrings… I justified getting them for having such a good week!

Aren’t they pretty??? It’s always fun looking to see what great things you can find at festivals like these!

I Just Need Some Bunny to Love May 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Friends.
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Chris and I have decided to open our home to a very cute couple. They are quiet, polite and don’t make too much of a mess. We all share a love of cilantro and nibbling on snacks.

Meet Franklin (Delano Roosebunny) and Winston (Curchair). Franklin is the black one, and Winston is the tan one with epic mutton-chops.

These two will be our house guests until August, which is fine by me!

V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N… Finally May 27, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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Indeed, after a solid final push to end the school year, I finally have one week of vacation! The last day of school was particularly crazy for us because everything needed to be packed into our minibus and van. Columbine Elementary as I knew it will very soon be no more. They are demolishing it over the summer and opening the new school, which has been under construction this whole year, in the fall. Apparently next year’s AmeriCorps will have desks in a classroom of their own… definitely a step up from sharing a desk in a hallway! Thank heavens Ruth and I get along, or it would have been a long year!

To celebrate the beginning of vacation, I talked Chris into making his grilled wings again. They are delicious, and satisfy my buffalo wing cravings. I like to think that they must be healthier than getting wings at a restaurant because they aren’t deep fried, and we make sure to use buffalo sauce that doesn’t have butter/tons of fat in it.

They take more work than a lot of other grilled foods because they constantly need to be turned and moved around for the whole cooking time. These guys marinated in Texas Pete’s wing sauce for several hours before cooking. I love how crispy they get from the grilling. Definitely satisfies all aspects of what I like about wings.

On the side I added a crisp cucumber and radish salad. Perfect for a summer night. The salad is incredibly simple. I just sliced the veggies and put on a bit of vinegar and dill. My mum says that she usually puts caesar dressing instead on plain vinegar and makes it early in the morning.  Always good when you can make things ahead of time!

I Want My Baby Back… May 7, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Clearly, Colorado is coming into the summer season. Somehow, we managed to skip over the lovely warm springtime weather I was looking forward to  and leap onward towards the hot heat of summer. This does of course come with some benefits… grilling.

Chris has not been one to be stopped by cooler weather and winds when it comes to his grill, but the nice weather certainly makes it more desirable.

We puttered around Pearl Street in the afternoon and managed to stop in at Peppercorn. I am convinced that the store has a magnet pull on us. Every kitchen utensil you could possibly ever want and then some are to be found within its walls. As an added bonus, they have some specialty food that you can’t find in many other places. Things like Vegemite, Farrow’s English toffees, Lebkuchen  and for tonight dinner (most importantly) they have Dinosaur Barbecue Sauce!!! Imported all the way from Syracuse, NY… clearly one of the nations’ hotbeds for bbq.

I don’t always love barbecue, but Dinosaur’s has something that makes everything it touches taste exponentially better! Like tonight’s dinner of ribs. They would be fine with any sauce, but absolutely delectable with the touch of the Dinosaur!

As an aside, we tried pre-dryrubbed ribs today. I’m not sure that I would advise this. Definitely salty, and I don’t think the spices added much in the way of delicious flavor. But other than that, they were good. Fall off the bone good. Just the way they’re supposed to be!