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I Want My Baby Back… May 7, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Clearly, Colorado is coming into the summer season. Somehow, we managed to skip over the lovely warm springtime weather I was looking forward to  and leap onward towards the hot heat of summer. This does of course come with some benefits… grilling.

Chris has not been one to be stopped by cooler weather and winds when it comes to his grill, but the nice weather certainly makes it more desirable.

We puttered around Pearl Street in the afternoon and managed to stop in at Peppercorn. I am convinced that the store has a magnet pull on us. Every kitchen utensil you could possibly ever want and then some are to be found within its walls. As an added bonus, they have some specialty food that you can’t find in many other places. Things like Vegemite, Farrow’s English toffees, Lebkuchen  and for tonight dinner (most importantly) they have Dinosaur Barbecue Sauce!!! Imported all the way from Syracuse, NY… clearly one of the nations’ hotbeds for bbq.

I don’t always love barbecue, but Dinosaur’s has something that makes everything it touches taste exponentially better! Like tonight’s dinner of ribs. They would be fine with any sauce, but absolutely delectable with the touch of the Dinosaur!

As an aside, we tried pre-dryrubbed ribs today. I’m not sure that I would advise this. Definitely salty, and I don’t think the spices added much in the way of delicious flavor. But other than that, they were good. Fall off the bone good. Just the way they’re supposed to be!