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Zippy- Do Da June 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I am holding out just a few more days for vacation! The summer has been great so far. I love working with the kids in a relaxed setting, and they return the favor by being even sweeter and more carefree than during the school year! It is going to be incredibly difficult to say goodbye in just a few weeks. When we get back from break, there are only two weeks of academics left!!! Where does the time go???

The summer has been so much busier than I had anticipated, so fast and easy dinners are a must. Pasta is always a quick go-to meal. Tonight we made spaghetti and a buffalo meat sauce. Very nice, but for some reason we always manage to have too much meat in the sauce.

I love a dinner that takes less than 15 minutes to make!

It’s All Greek to Me June 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Friends, Movie, Uncategorized.
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Chicken+Olives+Couscous+Falafels=Greek Goodness.

What’s better than going Greek? Having Greek with great friends! Another movie night combined the two perfectly. Our concoction was delicious!

It’s always fun just putting ingredients together and testing to see if they work together. This was one of those times that it definitely worked! Imagine a Greek taco. We put the chicken, olives, feta cheese and lettuce on a pita. On the side: falafel and couscous. Fantastic!

The movie: ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ is always fun to watch. It’s so fun to see which parts you relate to the most, which bits make you cringe, which spots make you glad that you have your own family, and the parts that make you wish you were Greek. Such a fun, sweet movie that’s fun every time you watch it!

Fruits are priceless June 28, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dessert, Food.
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What fruit is more delicious (and expensive) than the passion fruit??? NONE, that’s how many!

If I could eat just one fruit for the rest of my life, it would most certainly be the passion fruit. I love the insides, and scooping them out with a spoon. YUM!

Celebrate Good Times! June 11, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Uncategorized.
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Today has been absolutely fantastic so far. I love days where you are just in one continuous joyfest! Here are a few of the highlights:

  1. I have lost 10% of my body weight since January!!!! A whole 10%!!!!! Definitely a wonderful way to start the day. The whole vibe at Weight Watchers meetings keeps me inspired to lose weight, and today I got to celebrate one of my goals! Hurray!
  2. My dear friend/co-worker, Ruth and I planned out a great day that included going to the 11:00 showing of ‘Bridesmaids’. Really funny in a lot of parts… really gross in others. But a comedy in the morning what just what we needed today.
  3. Hiking in the Flatirons! We went up to the Mesa Trail at NCAR and hiked on trails with fabulous views of the foothills and Boulder. It’s great being able to take advantage of such a beautiful place!
  4. We treated ourselves to a frappaccino after the hike… mmm, mocha frappaccinos are fantastic on a warm summer’s day.
  5. Chris was slow cooking ribs when I got home. How can you beat that???


Finally, It’s Friday June 10, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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This. was. a. long. week. I think it takes a while to get back into the swing of things when it comes to working with kiddos. Elementary students have so much energy! The first week of summer school was filled with math practice and literacy groups. Trips to Colorado University for a campus tour and bowling. Today a basketball tourney with all of the I Have a Dream Classes. Lots of fun, but we see the kids for four hours longer than during the school year! Really takes it out of you by Friday.

Tonight, I wanted a quick, easy dinner. This meant utilizing the leftovers.

Tacos are always good in my book. Especially when it’s warm out, the day has been long, and you want something with fresh flavors. Grilled steak, cilantro, lime, tortilla. Bam!

That’s what I’m tawkin’ about.