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It’s Not Easy Being Green June 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Goodness, today has been fantastic. Going to the zoo and good food… I am a lucky girl!

When we got home, Chris decided that it was a grilling type of night. It was definitely the perfect summer weather for it.  Originally we were going to try slow cooking ribs, but upon perusing the selection at the grocery store, Chris opted for a steak option instead. I definitely can’t complain as it turned out to be absolutely delicious.

The steak had paprika, coriander, turmeric, cayenne, brown sugar, garlic and onion powers on it as a dry rub. Chris made chimichurri sauce for dipping (the green stuff in the ramekin in the picture), mashed potatoes and then I grilled up some asparagus, zucchini and summer squash.

I’m pretty sure the dinner encapsulates summer on a plate. Perfect, if you ask me!


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