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Gnot Your Average Gnocchi June 7, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Today I tried my hand at making pasta! This was venturing into the unknown… but incredibly fun! I decided to start out on my pasta adventures with gnocchi. I can’t tell you how fun they are to make! As an added bonus, there were only four ingredients involved!

  1. 4 russet potatoes
  2. 2 1/4 cups of flour
  3. 1 beaten egg
  4. pinch of salt

They’re even ingredients that you usually have on hand. How can you beat that?

The making of the gnocchi wasn’t too difficult:

Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender. Once they are no longer too hot to handle the skin just slides off. I used a cheese grater to shred the potatoes. The recipe called for a potato ricer, but I am not in possession of one of those. Next, mix in the flour, egg and salt. Knead the ingredients together until you have a workable dough. I had to add in a bit more flour as my dough was a little sticky.

Next, divide the dough into smaller balls. Roll out the dough into 3/4 inch logs. Cut the logs at inch long intervals.

After the pieces have been cut, use a fork against the working surface to make impressions in the gnocchi dough. One side should have a finger print, the other tine marks.

They all just look so cute and happy! Makes me want to eat the right away. When you’re ready to eat them, just put them in boiling water until they float. So easy!

Not bad for my first try, eh?

Edit: Upon eating my pasta, I would highly suggest salting the water. They needed a little more oomph, so maybe that would have helped a bit.


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