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Celebrate Good Times! June 11, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Uncategorized.

Today has been absolutely fantastic so far. I love days where you are just in one continuous joyfest! Here are a few of the highlights:

  1. I have lost 10% of my body weight since January!!!! A whole 10%!!!!! Definitely a wonderful way to start the day. The whole vibe at Weight Watchers meetings keeps me inspired to lose weight, and today I got to celebrate one of my goals! Hurray!
  2. My dear friend/co-worker, Ruth and I planned out a great day that included going to the 11:00 showing of ‘Bridesmaids’. Really funny in a lot of parts… really gross in others. But a comedy in the morning what just what we needed today.
  3. Hiking in the Flatirons! We went up to the Mesa Trail at NCAR and hiked on trails with fabulous views of the foothills and Boulder. It’s great being able to take advantage of such a beautiful place!
  4. We treated ourselves to a frappaccino after the hike… mmm, mocha frappaccinos are fantastic on a warm summer’s day.
  5. Chris was slow cooking ribs when I got home. How can you beat that???



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