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In Need of a Little Green July 18, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Lunch.
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As we are approaching the end of my second year of AmeriCorps service, stress levels are a little more elevated that usual. I am not one who likes goodbyes. I don’t love change. Obviously, this is strange coming from someone who has lived in five different cities in the last five years.  This year, it’s almost worse. I won’t be the one moving, so I’ll stay in one place while everyone else moves around me. Oh well, I’m sure everything will turn out well in the end.

In order to combat the stress levels, I decided on a salad. There is something about salad that calms me down. It must be all the vitamins!

Although it might not look it, this, quite possibly, might be the most delicious salad ever! It combines so many wonderful elements: carrots, cucumbers, radishes, kalamata olives, avocados, black beans couscous and chicken.

I love having lots of veggies in a salad, but the warm couscous put it to a whole new level! Definitely a wonderful addition to any salad, and most welcome on my plate. The best part is being able to use up leftovers… definitely a must in my house!

Soupreme Dinner July 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I have come to the realization that cheese does not photograph as deliciously as it tastes. For some reason, melty cheese looks like oozy plastic. Not tasty in the slightest.

However, I do know that despite the poor picture, this really was french onion soup-reme!

I will admit that I do the lazy man’s version of french onion soup: Campbell’s (gasp, shock, the horror!) I know, I know… it’s high in sodium, and not good for me. But it’s so good (and easy) in a pinch! I left a couple of pieces of sourdough bread out the night before. Put them on the soup, placed provolone cheese on the top, and baked at 400* until the cheese melted. Mmmmm.