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Trying to Beat the Heat August 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Health.
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It has been incredibly hot here recently. September is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to fall!

Cool weather, crisp air, leaves changing… it all sounds so lovely!

I decided to pretend that it actually is fall and eat oatmeal for breakfast. This is something that I usually reserve for days that start in 50* or cooler weather.  Today however, I had strawberries, peach preserves that I made, and ripe bananas.

The combined result was delicious:

I’m not so sure if the banana worked in the oatmeal. The strawberries and peaches were so sweet, but the banana seemed a little flat in comparison. Next time, I think that I might leave the banana out the next time I try the mix!


1. Jolly - September 12, 2011

Lovely picture! 🙂 Oatmeal is my favorite fall breakfast!

Also, I am thinking a baking party is in order soon. Would you be interested?

2. cirellih - September 12, 2011

Yes, yes, yes! I would love to have a baking party!

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