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Make New Friends, But Keep the Old September 16, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Friends, Movie.
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My dear friend, Lindsay, finally managed to escape the clutches of Gross Anatomy to visit Boulder for a dinner and a movie night! We decided to go with an end of summer theme for dinner… think turkey burgers, corn on the cob, sweet potato fries, and a side salad.

Lindsay whipped up some magic spices into the ground turkey, so I’m not actually sure what ended up into the patties. All I am confident of is that there were onions and… wait for it… brie. That’s right, brie. Let me tell you, these beauties were FANTASTIC.

Chris grilled them to perfection. Just the right amount of char. Mmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about them!

I kept myself busy by shucking  corn and chopping veggies. We even added in some of my home grown tomatoes- they are the teeny, tiny ones in the picture.

We ended up watching Ocean’s 11… definitely an oldie, but goodie. How can you not love a cast that includes George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Julia Robert? Definitely a great way to spend a great evening with a great friend!