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Quilting Queen January 9, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Uncategorized.
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One of the crafts I have taken to in the past couple of years is quilting. Right now I have been working on very basic baby quilts. I made one for my sister-in-law’s baby shower, and for Christmas I made two quilts for my cousins.

I’m not sure that I have all of the techniques down perfectly, there seemed to be quite a few stabs to my fingers. There also were several fights with the sewing machine. All in all though, they came out pretty well, in my humble opinion!

Doing crafts is one of the many ways that I try to keep a healthy mind. It allows me to relax, have some me time, and give my hands something to do rather than munching on snacks. Besides, keeping up my crafts is a good way to reach one of my resolutions!