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Something Fishy is Going On February 1, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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That something fishy is tilapia!

I was in the mood for fish tonight. That craving came from Saturday, when I watched a marathon run of Jacques Pepin on PBS. He made this delicious looking dish of Darphin Potatoes with spring onions that would be “parfect wiz some feesh.” He is French, you see.

After that, all I wanted to make was that pancake with fish. This is what it was supposed to look like:

Sadly, my potato doormat did not come out looking anything like his. I blame Chris, and his dislike for non-stick pans. I am pretty sure that was the major flaw in my cooking plans.

Anyway, the rest of the dinner came out beautifully, if you ask me!

I followed the recipe for pan-fried fish from The Joy of Cooking to the last detail. They really do know their stuff in that cookbook! They suggested washing the fish in cold water and then patting it dry to reduce splattering. That certainly worked! Barely a drop splatter anywhere, and look how golden brown… scrumdiddlyumptious!

Please ignore the gelatinous grey blob at the top of my plate. That was supposed to be crispy and golden brown as well. Sadly most of the crispy decided to stay on the bottom of the pan. Ah, well, live and learn, eh?


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