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Channeling My Inner Domestic Goddess February 5, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Baking, Craving, Dessert, Food.
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Friday was a snowday! A much needed day off from work, indeed. Boulder was covered in a cozy blanket of the purest snow I have ever seen in Colorado. Twenty-four inches in all!

What to do with a day off?

1. Take Oliver on numerous walks… well I struggle to call them walks. More like slogs, or expeditions. Oliver enjoyed himself greatly, bounding through the drifts of snow and munching on every flake that came his way.

2. Channel my inner domestic goddess. I opened up The Joy of Cooking, and perused the recipes until I came upon one for baguettes. I had all of the ingredients: yeast, flour, salt, and water.  It is not a recipe for the faint of heart, or the short on time. Only to be used if you are in it for the long haul!

3. While the bread is rising (the first and second times) start baking cupcakes for the Superbowl! Again, I looked to The Joy of Cooking for inspiration. In it I found a recipe for four egg yellow cake, which I decided would be perfect for a non-chocolate loving nephew. I don’t usually make cakes from scratch, but this was relatively easy, didn’t have that many ingredients, and above all I had time.

An incredibly fluffy, moist cake with a sweet butter cream frosting. Of course, they had to be decorated to support the team… Go Giants!

I made the butter cream swirls and Chris added on the blue lettering. A big hit for the big game. Of course, they tasted all the sweeter when our team won!