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A Chill in the Air February 11, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Food, Lunch.
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Cold. Frigid. FREEZING.

Yes, my friends, it is chilly in Boulder.

It’s the kind of day that just begs that you stay inside, hide under a cozy blanket, crack open a good book, and hibernate until spring.

Oliver and I went on a walk where we both appreciated winter coats to ward off the arctic winds. By the end of our hour long jaunt, my fingers felt like icicles, and I’m sure his little toes were numb!

I promptly decided that soup was necessary to jump-start the thawing process.

My mother-in-law had brought over her version of Caldo Verde the other day. It was certainly much appreciated on such a cold day! It was delicious, hit the spot, and was a much more palatable color than my own attempt at the soup.

Now I’m going to sit in a pool of sunshine and catch up on some wintertime reading!


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