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Saturday Successes April 28, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Goals, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Sometimes, Saturdays are trying days… usually those come after long weeks where I didn’t track what I ate, when I splurged more than I should have, when I didn’t take as many walks as Oliver would have liked.

Sometimes, however, I have done everything right. Today was one of those days! I stepped onto the scale and found that I had removed 2.6 pounds!!! This is not particularly usual, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. I had a few weeks where I had gained a little weight, so this was exactly what I needed to get right back on track.

To celebrate my success, I treated myself to some mussels!

A whole heaping pile of asparagus on the side… what a treat! It was certainly a good way to a great day! Goodbye pound number 43, you won’t be missed!


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