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A Slight Chill in the Air May 6, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Family, Food.
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Today we celebrated my father-in-law’s birthday and Mother’s Day a little early. Lots of fun was had by all when we gathered at a park for a picnic. Chris and I orchestrated the soiree and brought hamburgers, hotdogs, and my macaroni salad.

I will admit that it was slightly colder out that was anticipated. Boulder has been 80* for the past few days. Today however, it dipped down to 60, stayed cloudy, and had a hint of rain in the air.

(not a picture from our picnic today, as it did rain and I forgot to bring my camera)

We did have lots of fun, my nephews liked the playground and got to practice playing catch, Oliver enjoyed being outdoors for the afternoon, and I liked spending time with the family. Good times, and good eats.

On a separate note, Happy 9 month birthday, Oliver!!!

What a cutie!


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