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Channeling My Inner Domestic Goddess September 26, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Baking, Food, Goals, Health.
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There are some days where I feel as though in order to be productive, I need to create something physical.  When I am finished completing my project, there needs to be something that I can see, feel, or taste as proof that I accomplished something! Today was just one of those days.

Yesterday evening, I had started making apple butter… not realizing that it takes ten hours of baking to finish. Yes, you read that correctly… 10 hours!!! This stuff had better be delicious.  So this morning, I woke up, and immediately turned on the oven and popped in my spiced apple puree to get the process going. Ten hours of low and slow cooking, stirring, and canning later:

In the mean time, as the apple butter was doing its’ thang, I decided to make some raspberry jam… as you do. Raspberries were on sale last week, what could I do? Now, jam and I don’t really get along. I forget this until  I am smack dab in the middle of the process where there is no turning back.  Usually when the jam starts boiling, and I’m supposed to be checking to make sure it is at the perfect temperature. It was at this point that I again remembered that jamming is no fun. As I stirred the boiling jam, it turned angry and violent, splashing ridiculously hot stickyness on me. Not cool, jam, not cool. But the end result seemed to turn out deliciously… can’t really complain!

As the jam jars were cooling, I decided to bottle my brewed kombucha. Fingers crossed that this turns out to be fantastic! This batch took my 21 days to ferment, and I have to wait another 5 days before I can try it! For those of you who may not know, kombucha is a fermented tea that is brewed using a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). Sounds gross, but it is delicious, and supposedly has lots of health benefits. For my kombucha, I decided to have one bottle of original flavor, one bottle of ginger flavor, and one raspberry-lemon-ginger flavor. As I said, hopefully this is delicious stuff, because I have another gallon brewing as I write this.

Doesn’t everything look so pretty? I definitely felt as though I had accomplished a lot! Look at all my goodies!

A Long Time Coming September 23, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Uncategorized.
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Drum roll, please. No, really. This news is big! It deserves a drum roll.

I LOST 50 Pounds!!!

Wahoo! It’s taken me a day to write this post because I’ve been bouncing around ever since. Definitely has been a long time coming, but so worth it. I still have a lot more to go, but this was just the inspiration that I needed to keep going.

In celebration of the big five-oh, Chris and I decided to go on a hike to see the aspens in all of their golden fall glory. A hike at Rainbow Lakes was just what the doctor ordered.





What an absolutely stunning day!

Be a weekend warrior… not a weekend wimp!

In a Hole in the Ground September 21, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Food.
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For those of you who don’t know, today marks the 75th anniversary of The Hobbit. Thank you to J.R.R. Tolkien for bringing us the whimsey of the hobbits and magic of middle earth. Today’s celebrations were marked with second breakfast held at 11:00 am around the world. I joined in most heartily, enjoying a second breakfast of cheese on toast and a cuppa.

Certainly hit the spot on this cool fall morning!

I shall leave you, dear friends, with an image of my true self.  For I am a hobbit at heart. A lover of good food, laughter, and friendship.

Be sure to do something hobbity today. Have a simple meal filled with local foods.  Visit your gardens.  Maybe even enjoy a pint (it comes in pints?!) of ale.