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Life So Far

It was after the holidays. I had been munching on delicious goodies for what seemed to be months, when I looked at the pictures my Mother-in-Law had taken at Christmas dinner. I had never been one to shy from a camera, I had always loved capturing moments that were important to me, but those pictures did not inspire me to relive those happy memories. The person that stared back at me from those pictures didn’t seem right. That couldn’t be me in the corner hiding behind billowy shirts, and crossing my arms to hide my stomach. I decided then and there that changes needed to be made.

As a new years resolution I decided to join Weight Watchers. As of right now, I am in my third week, seven pounds lighter, and still trying to make sure that I keep up with this resolution. I think that a blog is a good way for me to keep engaged, and thinking about the foods that I put into my body. Hopefully, I will be able to write about my successes as well as mulling over any pitfalls I may encounter. I also plan to become more active. I would like to make not only different food choices, but also life choices. So, here goes nothing… onwards to a Healthy Heath!


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