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Cue Copland’s Rodeo April 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Moving.
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Indeed, beef- it’s what for dinner. This was particularly good timing as I had just sat through ‘Healthy Learning Paths’ with my third graders finding out the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats. What was number one on the unhealthy list? You guessed it… beef.

Now all I can think of it my arteries being filled with saturated fats. The woman who was running the program this morning demonstrated saturated fats by syringing Crisco into a straw. Delightful image indeed.

I tried to counteract the sat. fats by piling copious amounts of zucchini and radish on my plate. I must say though, the raspberry pomegranate marinade on the steak was delicious!

Now I’m off to the Y for some solid exercise.

The Easy Way Out April 3, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Exercise, Food.
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Sometimes you just don’t feel like spending a lot of time cooking. It has been a long, odd weekend. Arguably not one of the best I’ve had in a while. Chris and I biked to the gym this morning, had a good workout, biked back and then wanted nothing more than a lazy day… which is exactly what we did.

Netflix may or may not have put several seasons of Top Gear on demand. And Chris and I may or may not have spent a significant portion of the day watching episodes we have missed. Since yesterday was 79* and I got my first [tiny] sunburn of the season, and today was sleety/snowy, cold and miserable… we didn’t feel terrible about staying indoors.

For dinner, we decided to take the easy route and make one of the Hormel Ready Meals: Beef Tips. It was really the perfect easy comfort food. Combined with copious amounts of broccoli and a few egg noodles, the meal was just what the weather called for.

Perhaps not the healthiest, but it was certainly fast and delicious. Perfect for the cold weather!

To Eat a Treat April 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Lunch, Planning.
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Sometimes you just need a treat.

Today was one of those days. I’m not sure why, it’s only been a three day week. Really, there should be no reason that I felt that I needed to have something made for me for lunch. That was my only requirement. I just did not feel like thinking of something to eat with the food in my kitchen.

So, I went and got sushi.

California Rolls for me!!! Sadly, they weren’t the best I’ve ever had, but they did in a pinch.

Have you ever had the days that everything seems like a challenge? We took the Dreamers to the Cesar Chavez celebration in the afternoon. Finding the park was a challenge. Listening to the speeches without microphones (and 50 screaming children on the playground in the background) was a challenge. persuading myself that I should go to the gym was a challenge.

It took one and a half hours to get myself motivated enough to get off the couch after dinner to go for a jaunt on the elliptical… but eventually I managed it, and was so glad that I did!

I think that I’m finally getting back to the point where I enjoy working out. It’s taken a while, but it is a great feeling when I look forward to my time at the Y.

Rocks and Dinos March 27, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Health, Motivation, Travel, Uncategorized.
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There are many benefits of family coming to visit. At the top of my list is finally getting to spend time with them, but in a close second is having a good reason to visit many area attractions!

Going to the zoo is always good in my book! You even get to feed some cute lorikeets!

Next I took them to the Red Rocks Amphitheater. I had never been there, and was completely blown away by the amazing depth and range of colors in the rocks. It is truly a natural wonder.

I really want to go to a concert here. The acoustics are supposed to be phenomenal, and being surrounded by the rocks would be such a unique setting.

Right across the street is another geological wonder: Dinosaur Ridge.  In one fascinating outcrop there is layer upon layer of ancient history being told. From inland seas to mangrove swamps and a dinosaur highway that stretches from New Mexico to Wyoming. Very cool stuff to be seen!

The remains of an inland sea. Can’t you just hear the water lapping at the ancient shores? With rocks like these, it doesn’t take much to imagine!

Why yes, that is an ornithomimus footprint behind us.  Good old dinosaur highway… overlooking a modern highway. We have come full circle!

The Family is in Town! March 23, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Moving.
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They finally made their way from Central New York on a four-day trek to Colorado. Hooray! It’s so nice to finally have them on our new stomping ground.

We decided to take them to Eldora for some skiing/snowshoeing. Lucky them, welcome to Colorado… let’s put your tolerance of altitude to the test.

Mum, Dad and I went for a snowshoeing jaunt. Chris and Tim shredded some gnarly pow, or something like that. The weather was as good as can be expected for Eldora. A little windy on the mountain, but really nice in the trees for a hike.

For dinner we carbed it up with mounds of linguine and garlic bread. Scrumptious!!! Gosh I love me some pasta!

My Upstate New York roots must have come out in full force when my family arrived. All I wanted was some good old-fashioned Italian food!