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Dinner in a Flash January 27, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Planning.
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Sometimes dinner needs to be ready quickly. So for all those people who claim that they just don’t have time to make anything, pfft is all I have to say to them.

I give you the wonder food: pasta. Really. Dinner in 8 minutes. What other food can boast that?

Pasta goes with everything! It can hold most anything that you put on it. Goes next to most meals. Can be a filling meal on its own. It really is a wonder food! One of the things I like to keep in my freezer is meatballs. This is apparently not as easy in Colorado as it is in Upstate New York where everything is Italian, but I’ve managed to find them if I look hard enough.

So tonight, I made my own tomato sauce, cooked pasta, heated meatballs, steamed zucchini and baked garlic bread… all in under 10 minutes. Impressed? I was!

Badda bing, baddah boom, yous got a delicious home-cooked meal in minutes. It hit the spot and was crammed with veggies. You can’t get much better than that after a long week!

It Comes in Pints? June 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Lunch, Motivation, Planning, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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I had my Weight Watchers meeting today, and I am now past the 20 pound mark!!! 21.6 to be precise. Very exciting! This week has not been so exciting food wise, lots of eating up leftovers by way of bean burritos. I made sure to track all my points, eat lots of veggies, drink lots of water and exercise several times this whole week. It’s nice to see when planning pays off.

To celebrate, a mango smoothie was definitely in order. In my handy-dandy blender two mangoes, four ice-cubes and a splash of milk was added. It probably could have done with a bit more milk and some kind of sweetener, but it came out smooth and delicious (if not a little tart) none the less.

A whole pint of mango smoothie for zero points. Makes it even more delicious to sip on!

Chris and I had Indian the other night, but I managed to forget to take any pictures of the dish to put up. The leftovers were fantastic. My dish was saag gosht… a spinach and broccoli puree with a side of basmati rice and naan. Scrumptious!

Now were off to the zoo! I can barely contain my excitement! Eeeee!!! I can’t to see the seals and giraffes and cheetahs and penguins…yay!

To Eat a Treat April 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Lunch, Planning.
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Sometimes you just need a treat.

Today was one of those days. I’m not sure why, it’s only been a three day week. Really, there should be no reason that I felt that I needed to have something made for me for lunch. That was my only requirement. I just did not feel like thinking of something to eat with the food in my kitchen.

So, I went and got sushi.

California Rolls for me!!! Sadly, they weren’t the best I’ve ever had, but they did in a pinch.

Have you ever had the days that everything seems like a challenge? We took the Dreamers to the Cesar Chavez celebration in the afternoon. Finding the park was a challenge. Listening to the speeches without microphones (and 50 screaming children on the playground in the background) was a challenge. persuading myself that I should go to the gym was a challenge.

It took one and a half hours to get myself motivated enough to get off the couch after dinner to go for a jaunt on the elliptical… but eventually I managed it, and was so glad that I did!

I think that I’m finally getting back to the point where I enjoy working out. It’s taken a while, but it is a great feeling when I look forward to my time at the Y.

Spring is Springing! March 3, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Planning, Setbacks, Snack.
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Today I was stressed. Lots to do and little time in which to do it.

Meeting in the morning, planning for a parent meeting, Girl Scouts, programming, parent meeting… it was a full day on the go.

To counter the stress did I go to the gym? No. (But I did yesterday!)

Instead, I discovered that I am a stress eater. I munched my way through the day, and finally bought gum so I wouldn’t graze any more. Bahhh.

I didn’t have much time for lunch, so went out and had shrimp, veggies and brown rice from Rumbi… not sure I would go back.

For dinner, the hubby and I went to try a new Mexican restaurant. Chicken enchiladas with rice and beans are delish, but not exactly what I should be eating on a regular basis.

So when I got home I bought these:

Just to remind myself that tomorrow is a new day, and good habits can start now. I’m going for a walk to burn off a little dinner. Tomorrow I’m bringing my gym clothes to work so I can work out in the afternoon!


Veggi-goodness February 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Motivation, Planning.
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How to stay within my daily points and stay satisfied? Have some veggi-goodness!

How can you go wrong with a Boca Burger, spinach, pickles, ketchup and mustard? You can’t. It’s perfectly filling, delightfully savory and it’s fast. Basically it fitsĀ all of the qualifications in my book for a great lunch.