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Simple Pleasures February 8, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Baking, Food, Lunch, Travel.
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Some times it is the simplest meals that are the most satisfying.

Today, it was fresh bread and cheese that made for the perfect lunch.

I gently toasted two small slices of the baguette I made on Sunday, and added a little boursin onto the top.

A slice of tomato on the side. Perfection on a plate.

It reminded me of going on travels. Picnics in the park with fresh bread and cheese. All that could have made it better would be a glass of wine. It would have transported me to Paris in an instant!

Ringing in the New Year January 3, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Family, Food, Friends, Goals, New Year, Travel, Uncategorized.
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2011 was a pretty good year for Chris and I. Ski vacation at Keystone, an anniversary trip to the Dakotas, a wedding in the Finger Lakes and visits with family in Central New York. Chris was made ‘credit card ambassador’ for his district. I finish my second (and final) year of AmeriCorps. Shortly after, I was lucky enough to find a job at Fairview High School. We brought home a puppy, and have been running around ever since. We have been lucky enough to have jobs that support us, family around us, and lives that keep us healthy and active.

At this time of year there is the delightful tradition to make resolution for the new year. I like to take the time to reflect upon the past year to think of how to improve in the new year. So here are my resolutions for 2012:

1. Restart my blog. Last year, my blog started out with a bang. It helped me to cook creative, healthy meals. The blog helps me to stay on track and gives me a creative writing outlet, which I love. After a certain puppy ( who shall remain nameless) came into out lives, the blog fell to the wayside. It’s time to put aside the excuses and start back up with the writing!

2. Keep up with Weight Watchers. I’ve had decent success this past year, and want to make sure 2012 is even better. There were a few corporate shake-ups that have left me without my favorite leader. I need to make sure I don’t let this get in my way, and continue on.

3. Create an Etsy site. I love crafts. Love them. Unfortunately, I don’t have space to keep all my finished products. The result? Set up an Etsy site to take care of the overflow of crafts and make some money on the side!

These seem like doable to me, and hopefully they will help 2012 become a great year. We’ve got some great things planned… A trip to Ireland with Chris and my brother, going back to school for me! Definitely should be a great one!

Wedding Bells are Ringing September 6, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Friends, Travel.
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Beautiful, just beautiful. That is how I could describe the entire weekend.

Chris and I hopped on a plane to visit Western New York for Adam and Meredith’s wedding. I met Meredith in my freshman dorm- er “residence hall.” (As a retired campus tour guide, I need to get my terms right!) The rest as they say, is history.

It was so wonderful being able to have a reunion with college friends, especially for such a wonderful occasion! We arrived on Saturday night, just in time to see Canandaigua’s annual Ring of Fire. Definitely a fantastic way to start the weekend!

Sunday was the wedding… and what a wedding it was. The wedding was at Bristol Harbour, an absolutely breath taking venue for a wedding. It overlooks Canandaigua Lake, which provides a gorgeous backdrop for the ceremony.

Parents of the bride walking her down the aisle. Meredith, you are a stunning bride!

Trying to put on Adam's ring... Aren't they just the cutest?

Candid of the Dickinson Crew

The Dickinsonians: Laura, Me, Betsy, Emily, Meredith, Ali, Jaquie, Kim and Kelly

The Armstrong Girls... We've come a long way, ladies!!!

The rain held off perfectly, the food was delicious, and we danced the night away. Just the way you hope every wedding will be! I loved the touches that Meredith and Adam added to their ceremony and reception. The bouquets were made of wheat, lavender and peacock feather… stunning against the blues of the bridesmaids. Wedding wishes to the bride and groom that were read during the ceremony. Thanks, Kelly, for reading mine! The guest book where everyone got to sign a leaf on a pen and ink tree. As I said, beautiful is the way I would describe the whole weekend!

Here’s my wedding wish to Adam and Meredith again:

Wishing you always walls for the wind,
A roof for the rain,
Tea beside the fire,
And the love and laughter of those you hold dear.

East Coast Bound! September 3, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Food, Friends, Travel.
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Just a quick entry before Chris and I leave for New York! I can’t tell you how excited I am to visit the east coast. Colorado is beautiful, but there is just something about the great state of New York that makes me feel at home. Besides, I love the fact that I get to see lots of Dickinson friends this weekend!

My strawberry peach oatmeal 2.0

Delicious the second time around… and look how fancily I cut the strawberry! So proud of myself for that!!!

Now, on to the airport! New York, here we come!

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait September 2, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Food, Goals, Lunch, Travel.
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Let me try that again….

I GOT A JOB OFFER!!!!!! Hurray!!!!

I realize that a month isn’t all that long to look for a job, but it seems like a long time coming! I’m going to be working at Chris’ high school alma mater, Fairview High School, as a school support assistant in the counseling office. Definitely pleased to be working full time and with benefits! Again, hurray!!!

Anyway, to celebrate I got myself a box of strawberries and paired them with my quinoa salad. Delicious!

It was just so pretty a day… all of the pictures look so beautiful! This week is shaping up to be a pretty great one. Got a job, got my 25 pound award, and this weekend Chris and I are going to a wedding! Definitely great if you ask me!