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Saturday Successes April 28, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Goals, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Sometimes, Saturdays are trying days… usually those come after long weeks where I didn’t track what I ate, when I splurged more than I should have, when I didn’t take as many walks as Oliver would have liked.

Sometimes, however, I have done everything right. Today was one of those days! I stepped onto the scale and found that I had removed 2.6 pounds!!! This is not particularly usual, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. I had a few weeks where I had gained a little weight, so this was exactly what I needed to get right back on track.

To celebrate my success, I treated myself to some mussels!

A whole heaping pile of asparagus on the side… what a treat! It was certainly a good way to a great day! Goodbye pound number 43, you won’t be missed!

It Comes in Pints? June 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Lunch, Motivation, Planning, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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I had my Weight Watchers meeting today, and I am now past the 20 pound mark!!! 21.6 to be precise. Very exciting! This week has not been so exciting food wise, lots of eating up leftovers by way of bean burritos. I made sure to track all my points, eat lots of veggies, drink lots of water and exercise several times this whole week. It’s nice to see when planning pays off.

To celebrate, a mango smoothie was definitely in order. In my handy-dandy blender two mangoes, four ice-cubes and a splash of milk was added. It probably could have done with a bit more milk and some kind of sweetener, but it came out smooth and delicious (if not a little tart) none the less.

A whole pint of mango smoothie for zero points. Makes it even more delicious to sip on!

Chris and I had Indian the other night, but I managed to forget to take any pictures of the dish to put up. The leftovers were fantastic. My dish was saag gosht… a spinach and broccoli puree with a side of basmati rice and naan. Scrumptious!

Now were off to the zoo! I can barely contain my excitement! Eeeee!!! I can’t to see the seals and giraffes and cheetahs and penguins…yay!

Grilling Genius March 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Motivation, Plants, Weight loss.
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It’s official. Chris is a grilling genius.

Nay, he is a grilling guru! In all seriousness, I wanted some grilled chicken tonight and man, did he come through.

It was everything that you want in a piece of grilled meat… moist, juicy, spicy goodness with just the right amount of carcinogenic goodness that comes from being charred to perfection without being burn to a crisp. Mmm, making my mouth water just thinking about it!

Isn’t it just a work of art in drumstick form??? To complete the meal, I added potato knish and a mix of broccoli and cauliflower. My suggestion for the veg: sprinkle a little Old Bay seasoning and they start to sing.

In other news today:

My babies are sprouting! You grow little swiss chard! Reach for the sun baby bean sprout! I just love that they are making a solid effort just seven days after meeting the soil. Good job little ones!

Now that day light savings is kicking my behind (spring forward, grumble, grumble) I’m sitting down to enjoy a cuppa and a few pages in my gardening book before beddie byes!


Also, an update from Saturday… 2.6 (!!!!) pounds lost last week for a grand total of 15 lbs gone! Yay!!!!

Blackberries…Not the Phone February 16, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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It’s Tuesday morning. You realize that your diet has not been so great over the weekend. Rather than fretting over the fact that Saturday is looking bleak you decide to:

Make oatmeal!

Not just any oatmeal, but sweet delicious maple brown sugar oatmeal with blackberries.

It fills you up and makes you feel like you started your day right. Not too bad in my book!


I Blame the Cookies! February 15, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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So, last Saturday was not the best. Yes, it was my weekly weigh in. Up until now it was nothing to dread. Consistant weight loss for the last few weeks!

That joy had to come to an end.

I stepped onto the scale.

The nice weigh in receptionist didn’t say a word. My chest began to fill with dread as I gathered my coat and meeting materials.

I found a seat, carefully settled in, and finally gulped as I looked at my weekly card.

0.0 lbs lost.

How was it possible? I thought back to what I had done throughout the past week. I had exercised. I thought I had eated good meals. Then a nasty thought spread through my brain…

We had had mint chocolate dipped oreos at work.

I repeat mint chocolate dipped oreos. Those little buggers are 90 calories a pop, addictive as all get out and delicious to boot.

Next week, I’m investing in lots of gum. No temptation there!!!