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Meat in the Mail August 14, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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As I said, Chris and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary recently…as in August 1st! Just before we left for our weekend getaway, we found a package on our doorstep. In this glorious package, we found filet mignon, pork chops, chicken breasts, kitchen knives and a cutting board. My grandmother sent us a wonderful present from Omaha Steaks that we are going to enjoy most thoroughly!

For our first attempt at cooking our meat in the mail was a fantastic success. In typical fashion, Chris deftly grilled the steaks to perfection. I added in broccoli and roasted potatoes. It was certainly a delicious meal altogether.

Chris put a dry rub on the steak. It included coriander, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, turmeric, brown sugar, salt and pepper. It came out so well! For the potatoes, I boiled them first to cut down on the roasting time. After they came out of the water, I added paprika, a bit of salt and olive oil then baked them for 20 minutes. I always love it when foods are ready at the same time!

Just the way we both like our steaks. Absolutely delicious!

And We’re Back! August 10, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Family, Travel.
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Since my last post, my whole world has changed:

1. My second year of AmeriCorps has come to an end. It seems so odd… I’ve had the AmeriCorps identity for the past two years, and I’m not quite sure how I feel not being a part of the organization any more. We had a wonderful end of the year celebration. It was a great way to end the year. Lots of fun stories reflecting on our year of service, letters to Dreamers, scrapbooks, a rap, movies, letters to co-ACs, even a recipe book! I am definitely going to miss seeing all of the ACs, but I am continually thankful for having the opportunity to work with such fun, vivacious, creative, talented people.

2. Chris and I went on vacation for our third anniversary!!! I can’t believe that it’s been three years already! We went to South and North Dakota for the weekend, and it was fantastic. Mt. Rushmore, Jewel Caves, the Badlands, two more state capitols knocked off our list, and Teddy Roosevelt National Park… definitely a wonderful trip!

3. I am now back to reality, and currently unemployed. Boo. Not working is not good for my soul. I hate lacking purpose. I enjoy having a place to go each day, and having a list of things that need to be done and that I can accomplish. So here’s back to the drawing board. Another session of job searches. Here’s hoping something comes up soon!