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Saturday Successes April 28, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Goals, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Sometimes, Saturdays are trying days… usually those come after long weeks where I didn’t track what I ate, when I splurged more than I should have, when I didn’t take as many walks as Oliver would have liked.

Sometimes, however, I have done everything right. Today was one of those days! I stepped onto the scale and found that I had removed 2.6 pounds!!! This is not particularly usual, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. I had a few weeks where I had gained a little weight, so this was exactly what I needed to get right back on track.

To celebrate my success, I treated myself to some mussels!

A whole heaping pile of asparagus on the side… what a treat! It was certainly a good way to a great day! Goodbye pound number 43, you won’t be missed!

Spring is in the Air March 4, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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It’s March… and it’s 65*!

That means it is grilling season!!!

I can’t believe that we can light up the grill already. Definitely some crazy weather here in Colorado.

Of course, we decided to celebrate grilling season with wings.

Definitely a fantastic way to fire up the grilling season!

They started off marinating in a bath of wheat beer. Next, hopped in  a dry rub of celery seed, cayenne pepper, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper. Made their way to the grill to get nice and crispy. Finally they went for a swim in a buffalo/siriachi sauce blend. Sprinkle with cilantro, and enjoy!

Combined with a side of asparagus… perfect for a lovely, springy day!

It’s Not Easy Being Green June 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Goodness, today has been fantastic. Going to the zoo and good food… I am a lucky girl!

When we got home, Chris decided that it was a grilling type of night. It was definitely the perfect summer weather for it.  Originally we were going to try slow cooking ribs, but upon perusing the selection at the grocery store, Chris opted for a steak option instead. I definitely can’t complain as it turned out to be absolutely delicious.

The steak had paprika, coriander, turmeric, cayenne, brown sugar, garlic and onion powers on it as a dry rub. Chris made chimichurri sauce for dipping (the green stuff in the ramekin in the picture), mashed potatoes and then I grilled up some asparagus, zucchini and summer squash.

I’m pretty sure the dinner encapsulates summer on a plate. Perfect, if you ask me!

All American, All Around April 21, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Family, Food, Friends, Movie.
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It’s movie night, so Ruth, Lindsay, Chris and I chose an All-American theme for tonight’s dinner and a movie: Macaroni and Cheese, Apple Crisp and American Beauty.

Dinner was delicious, if I do say so myself. Macaroni and cheese is one of those great dishes that can be made ahead of time. It is always great to take a bit of time the night before in order to get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. Now, I can’t give away the recipe as it’s my Mum’s secret, but I will say that when you’re making it be sure to use sharp cheddar cheese to make sure it’s a nice cheesy flavor. We had good amounts of green on the side… broccoli and asparagus. Just to balance the cheesy goodness.

For dessert, Lindsay found a recipe for healthy apple crisp.

The Recipe:

  • 6 Macintosh Apples
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 1/2 tbsp promise light

Directions: Preheat the oven to 375*F. Spray an 8×8 baking pan with a non-stick cooking spray. Slice and core the apples, then layer the apples in the baking pan. Add all of the remaining ingredients in a mixing bowl and crumble over the apples. Bake for 30 minutes, or until the apples are tender.

It was certainly tasty, but a little drier than crisps usually are. We tried adding in a bit of water in the middle, but that didn’t seem to do much. However, dry or not, add a bit of vanilla ice cream and it turns to something outstanding.

For our film portion, we watched American Beauty.

As you can see, it did well at the Academy Awards in 1999. I’ve spent quite a while thinking about why it was such a big hit. Really, it was a sad look at American family life and the frustrations that can tear people apart. A lot of the film seemed to be revolving around the idea that everyone in suburbia is hiding something in order to keep up appearances.

Basically, I came out of the film thanking my lucky stars that my life doesn’t resemble the lives of those characters. The husband and wife who can’t stand each other, but are staying married because they look like a perfect couple and like that image. The military father who is willing to beat his son for any imagined infraction, only to discover it’s because he can’t stand himself.

All in all, I’m not sure that it was a great picture of what American suburbia life is like. If that was its goal, I hope that it misrepresented most people’s lives!

Busy, Busy! March 6, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Motivation.
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Today was one of those great days when I got everything done that was on my list.


Got an early start, cleaned, got gardening supplies, went to Borders, did laundry, vacuumed, Chris put together our new swing, we put up lights on the patio, made dinner… and even had time to relax! How was this day possible??? I mean, really? I love being productive!

Our patio with newly affixed lights and swing! By (real) spring I will have veggies growing in pots. It will be a veritable oasis of plants!

Dinner was nice and quick: Grilled Chicken Ravioli with Rosemary, Mozzarella and Parmesan Cheese. Asparagus which was leftover from yesterday. Spinach salad with lemon juice, feta, walnuts and craisins. (Note our pretty new tablecloth!)

Definitely a productive weekend! Sad that Monday is tomorrow, but I’m sure it will be a fun-filled week!