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It’s BBQ Time! March 5, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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It has been warm(ish) for the last week… even went into the fifties today! Clearly this is cause to bust out the grill, fire up some charcoal and slap on some ribs. Perhaps not the healthiest of meals, but definitely amongst the most delicious!

The nice thing about a bbq is that you have lots of time to get things done as it cooks. I washed a load of dishes, stripped the bed, ironed the new sheets, tidied up around the apartment, and cooked the asparagus all as the ribs cooked. A very productive evening all in all.

For the ribs, we used a Dinosaur BBQ Sauce. For those of you not in the know, Dinosaur BBQ is from Syracuse, NY and they make the most delicious sauces and rubs. If you ever get the chance, try out some of their sauces. Tonight’s choice was Garlic and Honey BBQ. Fantastic, sweet and savory, nice and thick. My personal favorite is their Sensuous Slather, besides, how can you not like it with a name like that??

For the asparagus, I roasted them in the oven at 400* with a little salt and lemon pepper. They don’t take long, but you just have to keep an eye out to make sure that the ends don’t burn.

Cilantro is Addictive March 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Health, Motivation, strength training.
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After a day long meeting, all I wanted to do was go the Y.

So, I did… with two fantastic gym buddies I might add! Some elliptical, stair stepper, and weights later, I felt so much better! Nothing combats the ‘sitting-in-a-meeting-itchiness’ better than raising your heart rate and feeling muscles you had forgotten that you have. Delightful.

When I got home, it was just about dinner time.

I had cilantro.

I had shrimp.

I had asparagus.

And, I had an idea… a delicious idea.

Shrimp and Asparagus Spaghetti with Cilantro Pesto. Fantastic.

The Recipe:

  1. Cilantro Pesto:
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/3 cup of olive oil
  • 1/2  tsp salt (or less to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/4 cup walnuts
  • Mix all of the ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Easy peasy.

2. 8 shrimp

3. 1 cup of asparagus broken into 1″ pieces

4. Whole Grain Spaghetti

Make the cilantro pesto. As you are making it, cook the pasta. Steam the asparagus. I used frozen shrimp, so I boiled them for 3 minutes. When everything is ready, toss them in a bowl and coat with the pesto.

Anything with cilantro is good in my book. Something about the smell makes me drool. And the fresh taste that you get, like fireworks on your taste buds.  Mmmmmm. Delightful!

As a complete and random side note… I was watching Top Gear this evening (greatest show ever) and Boris Becker was the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car. Becker was my all-time favorite tennis player. Known for his full out dives, youngest player ever to win Wimbledon and one of the many reasons why I wanted to play tennis in the first place. Definitely made my night.

Really, what is there not to love???

Home Sweet Home February 25, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Dinner, Food, Lunch.
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The best part about being at my parents house? Apart from the obvious, that I get to see them… my mom’s cooking.

She always is concerned with color, texture and balance. Definitely a welcome, delicious change from the conference food!

Really, how can you go wrong with an amazing cook who is making sure that every meal is healthy and scrumptious? Pretty much impossible.

Mexican bean taco pizza, roast turkey with a variety of veggies, asparagus and mushrooms on toast, pork roast tomorrow. I mean come on, Mum makes it really hard to leave!

Seafood Smorgasbord February 5, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Weight loss.
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Living in Baltimore last year it was easy to become fish obsessed. Everything was fresh… especially the crabs. I couldn’t get enough of them whether it be in steamed or cake form.

Last night, as a treat, my hubby got me a crab cake for dinner to go along with a nice fillet of sole.  All I had to do was sprinkle a little “Old Bay” Seasoning on the fish, and it was like I was back on the East Coast!


Asparagus was on sale this week, just to make things even better!

There are few things that make me happier than having a thoughtful husband, and my favorite veg being on sale!