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Scotland in my Soul January 28, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dessert, Family, Food, Friends, Lunch.
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Today was a delightfully quiet, cozy kind of a day. The sky was grey, and for those of you not living in Colorado, please understand this is a rarity. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the sun, it makes playing outside easy when you know you can count on the weather. Sometimes, my soul craves grey days. It must be the east-coaster in me.

So today was one of those days that revives me. A little overcast. A little grey. Mostly perfect. On these kind of days all I want to do is read, sip some tea, and dream of Scotland.

For those of you who don’t know, I spent my junior year in college in Edinburgh, Scotland. Certainly some of my favorite memories took place there. Chris proposed while I lived there, my family visited for Christmas which involved fire-light parades, I made some wonderful friends who enjoyed a good frolic through moors, on top of hills, in glens and in the sea. I have come to the realization that I left a little bit of my soul there. On grey days, I close my eyes, imagine the salty sea air brushing against my face, hair whipping in the wind and Scotland running through my veins.

As a poor substitute for being in my dream-land, I made one of my favorite meals: Tuna fish on a baked potato.

In Edinburgh, there were lots of bake potato shops, where you could get a myriad of toppings on a steaming hot baked potato. I loved being able to get an extremely filling meal, that wasn’t deep fried, for relatively little money. The tuna salad topping was my favorite. Absolutely delish.

To complement my meal, I simply had to add a side of black tea with a splash of milk. And of course, a Tunnock’s Tea Cake for desert.

If you have never had a tea cake, I would advise you to go and find one now. It’s a bit like a s’more. Marshmallow filling on a biscuit covered in chocolate. Besides, it’s like unwrapping a present every time you eat one… and who doesn’t like getting presents??

For now, tuna baked potato with tea and cakes will have to do to satisfy my urge to go to Scotland. Just for now.