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Trying to Beat the Heat August 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Health.
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It has been incredibly hot here recently. September is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to fall!

Cool weather, crisp air, leaves changing… it all sounds so lovely!

I decided to pretend that it actually is fall and eat oatmeal for breakfast. This is something that I usually reserve for days that start in 50* or cooler weather.  Today however, I had strawberries, peach preserves that I made, and ripe bananas.

The combined result was delicious:

I’m not so sure if the banana worked in the oatmeal. The strawberries and peaches were so sweet, but the banana seemed a little flat in comparison. Next time, I think that I might leave the banana out the next time I try the mix!

Chugging the Green Monster February 8, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Saturday was my weigh in… and I am now officially 5% lighter than one month ago!!!! Hurray, and now onto 10%. Weight Watchers suggests making smaller goals to keep you motivated to continue on towards your major goal. It definitely is a great feeling actually losing weight and making goals along the way.

To celebrate my success, I decided to make a smoothie. Now, this was not my greatest attempts. I am perfectly willing to admit this. Next time, I would make sure to add more liquids because this one was a little ‘tik and zesty!

The Green Monster:


  • 2 Large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 Mango
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Tbsp Almond Butter
  • 1 small container of Blueberry Yogurt

Blend everything together until smooth.

Next time, I would add in less almond butter and a splash or two of milk. This smoothie was so thick that I had to chew it!

The Best Part of Waking Up… February 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health.
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Is oatmeal in my bowl! I have become obsessed with my morning time treat: Better Oats, Oat Revolution.

The packaging is awesome. Simply tear off the top, pour out the oats, and use the package as a measuring cup. It makes my busy mornings decidedly easier.

Besides, I can fancy up my oats in a variety of ways. A handful of blueberries. A spoonful of almond butter. A few slices of banana.  It doesn’t take much to take my oatmeal to the next level!

Just two minutes, half a banana and a dollop of my home-made almond butter later, I am in oatmeal heaven. There truly is not better way to start off a cold winter day!