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A Little Hot, A Little Cold May 4, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Lunch.
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I really appreciate my neighborhood. I love that it’s residential with lots of trees, parks and trails nearby. I enjoy the fact that we have a library and shopping center across the street. And I particularly like that the shopping center includes a grocery store.

One of the greatest purchases that I can make in said grocery store is in the produce section. There is a bulk bin of salad greens and baby spinach. I love that I can purchase the perfect amount of flavorful greens for a salad. I don’t always manage to eat a whole head of lettuce before it goes bad, so this is the perfect solution for me.

Recently, I have been on a couscous kick. In salads, I find it particularly delicious to have warm couscous on a bed of cool baby greens. Add in some carrots, peppers, and tomatoes… you’ve got yourself a fantastic salad!

Doesn’t this just scream summer? So refreshing and comforting at the same time. The couscous is garlic and olive oil flavored, so I sprinkled a small amount of olive oil, salt, and pepper over the lettuce for a cohesive flavor.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Spice is Nice January 31, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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For our latest installment of Tuesday Wing Night, I give you:

Nice Spice Wings:

A delicious wing if there ever was one. The spice rub got nice and crunchy, while the chicken itself stayed incredibly juicy. I had three “C”s as my sides… a carrot, some celery, and couscous. Not particularly traditional, but oh to tasty.

Chris and I have been getting out recipes out of this book:

I probably shouldn’t be publishing her whole book, as Chris and I plan to work our way through the recipes. I will say that tonight’s wing had spices that included:

  • cinnamon
  • turmeric
  • light brown sugar
  • salt
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • cayenne pepper
  • and black pepper

I will also tell you that these wings would have been even better if Chris and I had not forgotten to add in the brown sugar. The rub would have been a little more moist, and the sweetness that we could taste (from using cinnamon sugar) would have been a lot more pronounced. Definitely a wing that we would like to try again… actually following the recipe the next time!

Tuesday, Wing Night January 10, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I married a man who loves chicken wings. Happily, I too greatly enjoy them. In fact, Chris often names my love of wings as one of the reasons he married me! One of my more brilliant Christmas presents to my husband was a book of wing recipes and two sauces.

Tonight we decided to instate Tuesday as a wing night.  We tried out the Wing Time buffalo wing sauce from Steamboat Spring, CO. Definitely had a lot of kick. Habanero as the main spice, and what not. I opted for tenders instead of wings this time, and they definitely hit the spot!

I added carrots with ginger and honey to make it a totally orange meal… and to have something that could help cut the spice! I think that this will be a fun way for us to set aside a cooking night, so we’ll have to find our favorite wing recipe!

A Crispness to the Air September 14, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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It’s beginning to feel a lot like fall! A set of cool, wet, fall like days have set into Boulder. Today we even had misty Flatirons and rain!

This kind of weather means that warm, cosy food is definitely in order. I’ve been having several cups of tea at work… a must when you work at the bottom of the school with no windows. By the time I got home, there was not a question in my mind about the kind of meal that was in order. Chris had mentioned Cornish Pasties the other day, and we both felt it was the perfect night for them!

Pastie Filling:

  • 1/2 pound ground beef (we use grass fed)
  • 2 medium white potatoes
  • 1/2 medium onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/2 cup peas
  • 1/2 cup beef gravy

For the Crust:

  • We used a pre-made crust, but you could definitely make your own!


  1. Peel, and chop the white potatoes. Cook them until they just begin to soften.
  2. Sautee the chopped onion until soft. Add in the ground beef and cook until done.
  3. Combine the potatoes, carrots and peas with the beef mixture.
  4. Preheat the oven to 450*
  5. Cut one of the pie crusts into two pieces. Roll them out into 8 inch diameter circles.
  6. Scoop about 1/2 cup of the beef mixture onto the lower half of the pie crusts.
  7. Fold the pie crusts in half, making a pocket. Make sure that the edges are pinched closed.
  8. Brush the crust with an egg wash.
  9. Bake the pasties for 12 minutes, or until golden brown.
  10. Let the pastie cool a bit before eating, and enjoy!

They were an absolutely delicious, hearty fall meal. Perfect to enjoy beside a fire!

The trolls thought that it was a good place to cosy up as well. They are so happy that it’s finally fall!

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait September 2, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Food, Goals, Lunch, Travel.
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Let me try that again….

I GOT A JOB OFFER!!!!!! Hurray!!!!

I realize that a month isn’t all that long to look for a job, but it seems like a long time coming! I’m going to be working at Chris’ high school alma mater, Fairview High School, as a school support assistant in the counseling office. Definitely pleased to be working full time and with benefits! Again, hurray!!!

Anyway, to celebrate I got myself a box of strawberries and paired them with my quinoa salad. Delicious!

It was just so pretty a day… all of the pictures look so beautiful! This week is shaping up to be a pretty great one. Got a job, got my 25 pound award, and this weekend Chris and I are going to a wedding! Definitely great if you ask me!