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Good Things Come to Those Who Wait September 2, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Food, Goals, Lunch, Travel.
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Let me try that again….

I GOT A JOB OFFER!!!!!! Hurray!!!!

I realize that a month isn’t all that long to look for a job, but it seems like a long time coming! I’m going to be working at Chris’ high school alma mater, Fairview High School, as a school support assistant in the counseling office. Definitely pleased to be working full time and with benefits! Again, hurray!!!

Anyway, to celebrate I got myself a box of strawberries and paired them with my quinoa salad. Delicious!

It was just so pretty a day… all of the pictures look so beautiful! This week is shaping up to be a pretty great one. Got a job, got my 25 pound award, and this weekend Chris and I are going to a wedding! Definitely great if you ask me!