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Peas Please! April 12, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Sometimes what you want is small.

Sometimes it is green.

Sometimes it is filled with lovely vitamins and minerals.

You might be looking for a pea.

I’ve never met a pea I didn’t like. Snap peas, snow peas, dried peas covered in wasabi… they are all delicious. When I was small my favorite way to eat them was by building a hollowed mashed potato mountain, fill it with peas and a bit of butter. Pea Volcano…dinner geology is always good in my book.

Tonight, I did not partake in the sculpting of mashed potatoes. It was more of a throw a few yummy ingredients together and see how it turns out type of meal.

Egg noodles+kielbasa+peas+parmesan cheese=a quick tasty meal

The peas added a nice sweetness to counteract the salty cheese and kielbasa. For an added bonus they added a nice pop of color, which is something that my mum has always been going at doing, and I enjoy attempting to do.

Crock-pot Dinner and Repeat March 24, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Lunch.
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Apparently, I eat very little else besides corned beef. At least, that is what is seems like from looking through past entries!

In celebration of my family’s arrival, we made an easy dinner in the crock-pot.  I love how supper can be simmering away, bubbling in happy patience  waiting for our family to arrive home. Few things make me happier than to have everything ready after a long day. As I’ve mentioned, delicious left overs also are on that happy list.

I give you: the reuben.

Melty (horseradish) cheese, sauerkraut, thousand island dressing, and of course corned beef all nestled deliciously between two pieces of marbled rye.

Combined with several rounds of pitch and balderdash, we certainly had the makings of a great day!

Do You Fondue? I Can Too! March 15, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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How much more delicious can you get than melty cheese?  Just to make it even better, you get to put items of your choice into the delicious cheese. To put to goodness over the edge… you get to stab the items with fun little forks!

I chose a cheddar fondue tonight. Definitely a recipe I will repeat… although this is definitely an every once in a great while type of meal.

In the Mix:

-1tsp dry mustard (I use Coleman’s Mustard… it’s a little spicy so gives a nice zip)

-3 tbsp vegetable oil spread (it calls for buttah, but the substitute didn’t seem to change much)

– 3 tbsp flour

-freshly ground pepper to taste (I like quite a bit)

-1 cup milk (skim milk for me, again no problem)

-2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Melt the VOS in a saucepan over medium heat. Add in the flour, mustard, and pepper; cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Slowly stir in the milk… I add in a little bit at a time, stir, add a little more, stir, etc. This prevents any lumps from forming. And let’s be real, who likes lumpy fondue??? Return the mixture to heat and cook, stirring, until it boils. Add the cheese and stir until it is melted. Put it into a fondue pot and serve with your choice of dipping items. On my plate tonight was bread cubes, broccoli, and apple slices. Delicious!

I definitely needed to find the sterno lighter that is supposed to be at the bottom of the fondue pot. We tried to substitute it with a candle, but the heat is nowhere near as warm as it was supposed to be. This caused the cheese to solidify a bit, but all in all fondue is a fabulous meal!

Make Like an Egg… February 16, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Food, Weight Watchers.
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… and make a scramble!

I’ve been trying to use up the rest of my baby spinach before it goes bad and before I leave for DC on Friday. One tiny handful is all that is left, so I decided to use it in an egg scramble.

Being in a brunchy mood helped this morning. I used up part of an Italian sausage, one egg, a bit of cheese, and that last handful of spinach. Definitely some morning goodness!


This was made all the better since it was only 6 points!

Saturdays are for Weight-Ins January 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Each Saturday I sacrifice my precious sleep and join the 9:00 Weight Watchers meeting. We get checked in and then get weighed in each week before the meeting begins.

This week, I lost 2.8 pounds for a grand total of  10.4 pounds!!!! 

Just .6 more pounds until I meet my 5% goal!

I partially attribute my success to having healthy lunch ideas on hand. I never have a very long break, so this guy has been my lunch-time friend.

Say hello to my Bella Cuchina Panini Press. He’s a lifesaver. I can make delicious, warm and most of all healthy sandwiches in mere minutes. On todays menu was a pressed chicken sandwich with spinach, pickles and garlic and herb cheese. It was delicious!

I’m not sure what makes them so delicious, but instant gratification is definitely part of the appeal!