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In an Upstate New York State of Mind February 7, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Food, Lunch.
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There are some things that I miss particularly about my home state:

-A rainbow of colors in the fall

-Water, ie: lakes, rivers, streams

-Cloudy days where the light is bright and cozy

-Home style Italian food… chicken riggies and Utica greens


-Bagel Grove bagels

In a vain attempt to recreate my favorite sandwich from Bagel Grove, I set about making a veggie delight.

First, I toasted a poppy seed bagel and covered it in cream cheese. Adding on the first layer of veggies: cucumber.

Next, I added on thick, juicy slices of tomato.

Lastly, I covered the sandwich in alfalfa sprouts for a little extra crunch.

Certainly delicious, but could never compare with the real deal!

Golden Days of Summer September 22, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Colorado weather strikes again! I can’t tell if it’s going to be hot or cold, dry or rainy, sunny or windy. All I know is when I dress for warm weather, the office is cold. If I try and prepare for the cold office, it is inevitably hot. Difficult to do anything but layer, I suppose.

Tonight was a grilling night. We made kababs with veggies and beef. They turned out to be a perfect end of summer meal!

I love the warm crispy vegetables next to the crunchy fresh cucumber and radishes. Poor radishes, they are an under appreciated veggie, but I love them so!

V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N… Finally May 27, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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Indeed, after a solid final push to end the school year, I finally have one week of vacation! The last day of school was particularly crazy for us because everything needed to be packed into our minibus and van. Columbine Elementary as I knew it will very soon be no more. They are demolishing it over the summer and opening the new school, which has been under construction this whole year, in the fall. Apparently next year’s AmeriCorps will have desks in a classroom of their own… definitely a step up from sharing a desk in a hallway! Thank heavens Ruth and I get along, or it would have been a long year!

To celebrate the beginning of vacation, I talked Chris into making his grilled wings again. They are delicious, and satisfy my buffalo wing cravings. I like to think that they must be healthier than getting wings at a restaurant because they aren’t deep fried, and we make sure to use buffalo sauce that doesn’t have butter/tons of fat in it.

They take more work than a lot of other grilled foods because they constantly need to be turned and moved around for the whole cooking time. These guys marinated in Texas Pete’s wing sauce for several hours before cooking. I love how crispy they get from the grilling. Definitely satisfies all aspects of what I like about wings.

On the side I added a crisp cucumber and radish salad. Perfect for a summer night. The salad is incredibly simple. I just sliced the veggies and put on a bit of vinegar and dill. My mum says that she usually puts caesar dressing instead on plain vinegar and makes it early in the morning.  Always good when you can make things ahead of time!

What a Yummy Rut February 9, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Weight loss.
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I fear that I may be in a lunch rut. It seems as though I’m either eating leftovers, or my pressed sandwiches.

Not that this is a bad rut by any means. It is a delicious, delicious rut! Today I mixed up my lunch time eats by adding in a side salad. Red lettuce, cucumber, carrots, olives and Annie’s Lemon and Chive dressing. Definitely a nice healthy change to my usual lunch. The addition of cucumber water was perfect. Crisp, cool and refreshing.

 There is just something about the melty cheese, the warm pickles, the soft spinach and the crispy bread that makes it the perfect lunch. I really just can’t get enough of these!