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Seafood Smorgasbord February 5, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Weight loss.
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Living in Baltimore last year it was easy to become fish obsessed. Everything was fresh… especially the crabs. I couldn’t get enough of them whether it be in steamed or cake form.

Last night, as a treat, my hubby got me a crab cake for dinner to go along with a nice fillet of sole.  All I had to do was sprinkle a little “Old Bay” Seasoning on the fish, and it was like I was back on the East Coast!


Asparagus was on sale this week, just to make things even better!

There are few things that make me happier than having a thoughtful husband, and my favorite veg being on sale!

Leftover Makeover February 5, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Weight Watchers.
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Leftovers can be drab. They can be boring. Not always what you are looking for.

But I have a remedy.

 Give your leftovers a makeover!

The other night I had stir fry, which was delicious. But the next night I wasn’t in a particular mood for Asian. So with a little badda-bing, badda-boom my meal turned Italian.



I’ll admit it… I wasn’t sure that the combination of bamboo shoots, baby corn and soy sauce would go terribly well with spaghetti and tomato sauce. It was a pleasant surprise when it worked out!

It didn’t take much to make my delicious veggies into a completely new meal!

Stir Fry, My oh My February 2, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Motivation.
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One of the best parts of the Weight Watchers system is that vegetables are no points! I know that I’ve said that before, but really it makes life SO much easier.

So tonight, in honor of zero points vegetables, I made a stir fry. It is so easy so cram tons of vegetables into an incredibly flavorful dish.

Broccoli, carrots, red peppers, bok choy, baby corn and bamboo shoots all combined with chicken breast and a dash of stir fry sauce served on a bed of brown rice. What a flavorful, savory meal that it simple and pretty quick. Next time I need to remember to chop the veggies ahead of time so they are all ready to be sautéed in the order I need them.