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Training and Rigatoni January 15, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner.
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Having a puppy is lots of fun, but certainly hard work! We’ve enrolled Oliver in training classes. He passed puppy class with flying colors, and now we’ve moved on to the intermediate level. Difficult tasks, like heeling and staying while lying down. It’s frustrating for him sometimes, but it will certainly be worth it in the end!

After our grueling training session… Oliver would have called it grueling anyway, I settled in to cook dinner before an evening of Downton Abbey. For tonight, I decided upon a pasta dish. The wonderful thing about pasta is that it can hold a whole host of other ingredients.

There were several ingredients I had that needed to be used: broccoli, garlic, and spinach and feta chicken sausages. I sauteed the sausages with garlic and olive oil. Mixed the pasta and broccoli together, and added in sausage slices and olive oil. So incredibly easy, and so delicious!

Now that dinner is done, Chris and I are ready to settle in for Masterpiece Theater beside the fire. Quite the perfect end to the evening.